Charlie - Brassington & Cooke



Unusual rocking horse by Brassington & Cooke


A cute "ponyish" horse oozing charm and personality from a maker whose work isn't seen often, especially in Australia. We only know of one other and would be interested to hear from anyone who has one.

Just arrived.

Overall Charlie and his stand are in quite good condition, on first inspection.

Don't be misled by 40" height which would indicate a small horse, Charlie is quite solid and chunky, in fact perhaps he should've been called Gimli!

He has some distinctive features that we find very charming - and as horse lovers and one-time hobby breeders easy to appreciate. The person or people who made Charlie KNEW horses. The head has unusual width and "eyebrows, the legs are quite naturally shaped and this is the first horse we have personally seen that has realistic hips observed in its anatomical details.

More photos to come soon.













FOR SALE: $3,750 with full bespoke restoration